Halibut Note Card
Printed on recycled paper, these vibrant and detailed note cards are a great way to
share your love and connection with the animals and environment we all coinhabit.
A portion of the proceeds from this card will be donated to organizations dedicated to the preservation of animals and their habitat.
4.5" x 6.25" blank inside, comes with white envelope
Proudly printed in the USA using soy ink
Halibut is the largest of all flatfish, measuring up to eight feet in length, four feet wide, and over 600 pounds in weight. Halibut prefer deep, cold water, and have a life span of 40 years or more. The word halibut is derived from the Scandinavian word, halliflundra, meaning "a fish that can be found in deep holes." Halibut can be found as deep as 3600 feet. Halibut was considered a sacred fish throughout history and was oftentimes served on holidays, especially during medieval days in Europe. A 250 pound female halibut can produce up to four million eggs. Halibut can migrate great distances. The longest recorded migration was for a fish tagged near Atka in the Aleutian Islands. It was captured at Coos Bay, Oregon, a distance of 2500 miles. The Halibut is a symbol of abundance and wealth. The Kwagiutl believe that the Halibut transformed to become the first human after the Great Flood subsided. Look for the mythological water Snake, whose spiritual attributes include peace and friendship. Find the Orca, Octopus and Skate who share the waters with the Halibut. Also in flight find the Ladybug, bringing you happiness and good fortune.